Source code for spb.backends.bokeh.bokeh

import os
from spb.defaults import cfg
from spb.backends.base_backend import Plot
from spb.backends.bokeh.renderers import (
    Line2DRenderer, Vector2DRenderer, ComplexRenderer, ContourRenderer,
    GeometryRenderer, GenericRenderer, HVLineRenderer, Arrow2DRenderer,
    ZGridLineRenderer, SGridLineRenderer, NGridLineRenderer,
    MCirclesRenderer, PoleZeroRenderer, RootLocusRenderer, NyquistRenderer,
from spb.series import (
    LineOver1DRangeSeries, List2DSeries, Parametric2DLineSeries,
    ColoredLineOver1DRangeSeries, AbsArgLineSeries, ComplexPointSeries,
    Vector2DSeries, ComplexDomainColoringSeries, ContourSeries,
    GeometrySeries, GenericDataSeries, HVLineSeries, Arrow2DSeries,
    ZGridLineSeries, SGridLineSeries, NGridLineSeries, NicholsLineSeries,
    MCirclesSeries, PoleZeroSeries, PoleZeroWithSympySeries,
    SystemResponseSeries, ColoredSystemResponseSeries, RootLocusSeries,
from spb.utils import get_environment
from sympy.external import import_module

[docs] class BokehBackend(Plot): """ A backend for plotting SymPy's symbolic expressions using Bokeh. This implementation only supports 2D plots. Parameters ========== aspect : str Set the aspect ratio of a 2D plot. Default to ``None``. Set it to ``"equal"`` to sets equal spacing on the axis. rendering_kw : dict, optional A dictionary of keywords/values which is passed to Matplotlib's plot functions to customize the appearance of lines, surfaces, images, contours, quivers, streamlines... To learn more about customization: * Refer to: - [#fn1]_ to customize lines plots. Default to: ``dict(line_width = 2)``. - [#fn6]_ to customize scatter plots. Default to: ``dict(marker = "circle")``. * Default options for quiver plots: .. code-block:: python dict( scale = 1, pivot = "mid", # "mid", "tip" or "tail" arrow_heads = True, # show/hide arrow line_width = 1 ) * Default options for streamline plots: ``dict(line_width=2, line_alpha=0.8)`` axis : boolean, optional Turns on/off the axis visibility (and associated tick labels). Default to True (axis are visible). theme : str, optional Set the theme. Find more Bokeh themes at [#fn2]_ . update_event : bool, optional If True, it binds pan/zoom events in order to automatically compute new data as the user interact with the plot. Default to False. annotations : list, optional A list of dictionaries specifying the type of annotation required. The keys in the dictionary should be equivalent to the arguments of the `bokeh.models.LabelSet` class. This feature is experimental. It might get removed in the future. markers : list, optional A list of dictionaries specifying the type the markers required. The keys in the dictionary should be equivalent to the arguments of the `bokeh.models.Scatter` class. This feature is experimental. It might get removed in the future. rectangles : list, optional A list of dictionaries specifying the dimensions of the rectangles to be plotted. The ``"args"`` key must contain the `bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource` object containing the data. All other keyword arguments will be passed to the `bokeh.models.Rect` class. This feature is experimental. It might get removed in the future. fill : dict, optional A dictionary specifying the type of color filling required in the plot. The keys in the dictionary should be equivalent to the arguments of the `bokeh.models.VArea` class. This feature is experimental. It might get removed in the future. References ========== .. [#fn1] .. [#fn2] .. [#fn6] Notes ===== By providing ``update_event=True`` to any plot function, this backend binds pan/zoom events in order to automatically compute new data as the user interact with the plot. When executing this mode of operation inside: * Jupyter Notebook/Lab: no problem has been encountered (with Firefox/Chrome). * A standard Python interpreter: * No problem has been encountered with Chrome. * Memory leaks has been observed with Firefox. Watch out your system monitor! See also ======== Plot, MatplotlibBackend, PlotlyBackend, K3DBackend """ _library = "bokeh" _allowed_keys = Plot._allowed_keys + [ "markers", "annotations", "fill", "rectangles"] colorloop = [] colormaps = [] cyclic_colormaps = [] renderers_map = { LineOver1DRangeSeries: Line2DRenderer, List2DSeries: Line2DRenderer, Parametric2DLineSeries: Line2DRenderer, ColoredLineOver1DRangeSeries: Line2DRenderer, AbsArgLineSeries: Line2DRenderer, ComplexPointSeries: Line2DRenderer, Vector2DSeries: Vector2DRenderer, ComplexDomainColoringSeries: ComplexRenderer, ContourSeries: ContourRenderer, GeometrySeries: GeometryRenderer, GenericDataSeries: GenericRenderer, HVLineSeries: HVLineRenderer, Arrow2DSeries: Arrow2DRenderer, RootLocusSeries: RootLocusRenderer, SGridLineSeries: SGridLineRenderer, ZGridLineSeries: ZGridLineRenderer, SystemResponseSeries: Line2DRenderer, ColoredSystemResponseSeries: Line2DRenderer, PoleZeroSeries: PoleZeroRenderer, PoleZeroWithSympySeries: PoleZeroRenderer, NGridLineSeries: NGridLineRenderer, NicholsLineSeries: NicholsLineRenderer, MCirclesSeries: MCirclesRenderer, NyquistLineSeries: NyquistRenderer, } pole_line_kw = {"line_color": "#000000", "line_dash": "dotted"} grid_line_kw = {"line_color": "#aaa", "line_dash": "dotted"} sgrid_line_kw = {"line_color": "#aaa", "line_dash": "dotted"} ngrid_line_kw = {"line_color": "#aaa", "line_dash": "dotted"} mcircles_line_kw = {"line_color": "#aaa", "line_dash": "dotted"} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): = import_module('numpy') self.bokeh = import_module( 'bokeh', import_kwargs={ 'fromlist': [ 'models', 'events', 'plotting', 'io', 'palettes', 'embed', 'resources', 'server' ] }, warn_not_installed=True, min_module_version='2.3.0' ) bp = self.bokeh.palettes cc = import_module( 'colorcet', min_module_version='3.0.0') matplotlib = import_module( 'matplotlib', import_kwargs={'fromlist': ['pyplot', 'cm']}, min_module_version='1.1.0', catch=(RuntimeError,)) cm = self.colorloop = bp.Category10[10] self.colormaps = [cc.bmy, "aggrnyl", cc.kbc, cc.bjy, "plotly3"] self.cyclic_colormaps = [ cm.hsv, cm.twilight, cc.cyclic_mygbm_30_95_c78_s25 ] # _init_cyclers needs to know if an existing figure was provided self._use_existing_figure = kwargs.get("fig", False) self._fig = None self._init_cyclers() super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.polar_axis: raise ValueError("BokehBackend doesn't support polar axis.") # set labels self._use_latex = kwargs.get("use_latex", cfg["bokeh"]["use_latex"]) self._set_labels() self._set_title() self._theme = kwargs.get("theme", cfg["bokeh"]["theme"]) self._run_in_notebook = False if get_environment() == 0: self._run_in_notebook = True if ( (len([s for s in self._series if s.is_2Dline]) > 10) and (not type(self).colorloop) and not ("process_piecewise" in kwargs.keys()) ): # add colors if needed self.colorloop = bp.Category20[20] self._handles = dict() sizing_mode = cfg["bokeh"]["sizing_mode"] title, xlabel, ylabel, zlabel = self._get_title_and_labels() kw = dict( title=title, x_axis_label=xlabel if xlabel else "x", y_axis_label=ylabel if ylabel else "y", sizing_mode="fixed" if self.size else sizing_mode, width=int(self.size[0]) if self.size else cfg["bokeh"]["width"], height=int(self.size[1]) if self.size else cfg["bokeh"]["height"], tools="pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,save", match_aspect=True if self.aspect == "equal" else False, ) if self.xlim: kw["x_range"] = self.xlim if self.ylim: kw["y_range"] = self.ylim if self.xscale: kw["x_axis_type"] = self.xscale if self.yscale: kw["y_axis_type"] = self.yscale if self._use_existing_figure: self._fig = self._use_existing_figure self._use_existing_figure = True else: self._fig = self.bokeh.plotting.figure(**kw) self._fig.axis.visible = self.axis self.grid = kwargs.get("grid", cfg["bokeh"]["grid"]) self._fig.grid.visible = self.grid if cfg["bokeh"]["show_minor_grid"]: self._fig.grid.minor_grid_line_alpha = cfg["bokeh"]["minor_grid_line_alpha"] self._fig.grid.minor_grid_line_color = self._fig.grid.grid_line_color[0] self._fig.grid.minor_grid_line_dash = cfg["bokeh"]["minor_grid_line_dash"] if self._invert_x_axis: self._fig.x_range.flipped = True self._update_event = kwargs.get( "update_event", cfg["bokeh"]["update_event"]) if self._update_event: self._fig.on_event(, self._ranges_update) self._create_renderers() def _ranges_update(self, event): xlim = (event.x0, event.x1) ylim = (event.y0, event.y1) params = self._update_series_ranges(xlim, ylim) self.update_interactive(params) def _init_cyclers(self): start_index_cl, start_index_cm = None, None if self._use_existing_figure: fig = self._use_existing_figure if self._fig is None else self._fig # attempt to determine how many lines are plotted # on the user-provided figure start_index_cl = len(fig.renderers) super()._init_cyclers(start_index_cl, 0) @property def fig(self): """Returns the figure.""" if ( (len(self.renderers) > 0) and ( (self.renderers[0] and len(self.renderers[0].handles) == 0) or (self.renderers[0] is None) ) ): # if the backend was created without showing it self.draw() return self._fig def draw(self): """ Loop over data renderers, generates numerical data and add it to the figure. Note that this method doesn't show the plot. """ self._process_renderers() process_series = draw def _set_piecewise_color(self, s, color): """Set the color to the given series""" if "color" not in s.rendering_kw: # only set the color if the user didn't do that already s.rendering_kw["color"] = color if s.is_point and (not s.is_filled): s.rendering_kw["fill_color"] = "white" @staticmethod def _do_sum_kwargs(p1, p2): kw = p1._copy_kwargs() kw["theme"] = p1._theme return kw def _process_renderers(self): self._init_cyclers() if not self._use_existing_figure: # If this instance visualizes only symbolic expressions, # I want to clear axes so that each time `.show()` is called there # won't be repeated handles. # On the other hand, if the current axes is provided by the user, # we don't want to erase its content. # Must clear both the renderers as well as the # colorbars which are added to the right side. self._fig.renderers = [] self._fig.right = [] xlims, ylims = [], [] for r, s in zip(self.renderers, self.series): self._check_supported_series(r, s) r.draw() if hasattr(r, "_xlims"): xlims.extend(r._xlims) ylims.extend(r._ylims) if (len(xlims) > 0) and (self.xlim is None): # this is used in order to properly visualized some *GridSeries np = xlims = np.array(xlims) xlim = (np.nanmin(xlims[:, 0]), np.nanmax(xlims[:, 1])) self._fig.x_range = self.bokeh.models.Range1d(*xlim) if (len(ylims) > 0) and (self.ylim is None): # this is used in order to properly visualized some *GridSeries np = ylims = np.array(ylims) ylim = (np.nanmin(ylims[:, 0]), np.nanmax(ylims[:, 1])) self._fig.y_range = self.bokeh.models.Range1d(*ylim) if len(self._fig.legend) > 0: # hide default legend self._fig.legend.visible = False # add a new legend only showing the appropriate items legend_items = [] end = 0 if self._use_existing_figure: legend_items = self._fig.legend.items # keep existing legend entries if we are dealing with a # user-provided figure end = len(legend_items) - len(self.series) legend_items = legend_items[:end] for s, r in zip(self.series, self.renderers): if ( s.show_in_legend and (s.is_2Dline or s.is_geometry) and (not s.use_cm) ): if hasattr(r.handles[0][0], "__iter__"): bokeh_renderer = r.handles[0][0][0] else: bokeh_renderer = r.handles[0][0] legend_items.append( self.bokeh.models.LegendItem( label=s.get_label(self._use_latex), renderers=[bokeh_renderer]) ) if self.legend and (len(legend_items) > 0): legend = self.bokeh.models.Legend(items=legend_items) # interactive legend legend.click_policy = "hide" self._fig.add_layout(legend, "right") def _get_img(self, img): np = import_module('numpy') new_img = np.zeros(img.shape[:2], dtype=np.uint32) pixel = new_img.view(dtype=np.uint8).reshape((*img.shape[:2], 4)) for i in range(img.shape[1]): for j in range(img.shape[0]): pixel[j, i] = [*img[j, i], 255] return new_img def _get_segments(self, x, y, *others): # MultiLine works with line segments, not with line points! :| xs = [x[i - 1 : i + 1] for i in range(1, len(x))] ys = [y[i - 1 : i + 1] for i in range(1, len(y))] # let n be the number of points. Then, the number of segments # will be (n - 1). Therefore, we remove one parameter. If n is # sufficiently high, there shouldn't be any noticeable problem in # the visualization. others = list(others) for i, o in enumerate(others): others[i] = o[:-1] return [xs, ys, *others] def _create_gradient_line( self, x_key, y_key, p_key, source, colormap, name, line_kw, is_point=False ): param = source[p_key] color_mapper = self.bokeh.models.LinearColorMapper( palette=colormap, low=min(param), high=max(param)) data_source = self.bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(source) lkw = dict( line_width=2, name=name, line_color={"field": p_key, "transform": color_mapper}, ) kw = self.merge({}, lkw, line_kw) if not is_point: glyph = self.bokeh.models.MultiLine(xs=x_key, ys=y_key, **kw) else: glyph = self.bokeh.models.Scatter(x=x_key, y=y_key, **kw) colorbar = self.bokeh.models.ColorBar( color_mapper=color_mapper, title=name, width=8) return data_source, glyph, colorbar, kw def update_interactive(self, params): """Implement the logic to update the data generated by interactive-widget plots. Parameters ========== params : dict Map parameter-symbols to numeric values. """ if len(self.renderers) > 0 and len(self.renderers[0].handles) == 0: self.draw() xlims, ylims = [], [] for r in self.renderers: if r.series.is_interactive: r.update(params) if hasattr(r, "_xlims"): xlims.extend(r._xlims) ylims.extend(r._ylims) if (len(xlims) > 0) and (self.xlim is None): # this is used in order to properly visualized some *GridSeries np = xlims = np.array(xlims) xlim = (np.nanmin(xlims[:, 0]), np.nanmax(xlims[:, 1])) self._fig.x_range.update(start=xlim[0], end=xlim[1]) if (len(ylims) > 0) and (self.ylim is None): # this is used in order to properly visualized some *GridSeries np = ylims = np.array(ylims) ylim = (np.nanmin(ylims[:, 0]), np.nanmax(ylims[:, 1])) self._fig.y_range.update(start=ylim[0], end=ylim[1]) self._set_axes_texts() def _set_axes_texts(self): title, xlabel, ylabel, zlabel = self._get_title_and_labels() self._fig.title = title self._fig.xaxis.axis_label = xlabel self._fig.yaxis.axis_label = ylabel def save(self, path, **kwargs): """ Export the plot to a static picture or to an interactive html file. Refer to [#fn3]_ and [#fn4]_ to visualize all the available keyword arguments. Notes ===== 1. In order to export static pictures, the user also need to install the packages listed in [#fn5]_. 2. When exporting a fully portable html file, by default the necessary Javascript libraries will be loaded with a CDN. This creates the smallest file size possible, but it requires an internet connection in order to view/load the file and its dependencies. References ========== .. [#fn3] .. [#fn4] .. [#fn5] """ merge = self.merge ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1] if ext.lower() in [".htm", ".html"]: CDN = self.bokeh.resources.CDN file_html = self.bokeh.embed.file_html skw = dict(resources=CDN, title="Bokeh Plot") html = file_html(self.fig, **merge(skw, kwargs)) with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(html) elif ext == ".svg": self._fig.output_backend = "svg", filename=path) else: if ext == "": path += ".png" self._fig.output_backend = "canvas", filename=path) def _launch_server(self, doc): """ By launching a server application, we can use Python callbacks associated to events. """ doc.theme = self._theme doc.add_root(self.fig) def show(self): """Visualize the plot on the screen.""" if len(self._fig.renderers) != len(self.series): self._process_renderers() if self._update_event: if self._run_in_notebook: else: # NOTE: # 1. From: # In particular: # 2. TODO: Only works for one plot, then python needs to be # closed and reopened. # 3. Use Control+C to stop the server process # 4. Watch out for memory leaks on Firefox. from bokeh.server.server import Server server = Server(self._launch_server, num_procs=1) server.start() server.io_loop.add_callback(, "/") server.io_loop.start() else: # launch a static figure curdoc = curdoc().theme = self._theme def _get_quivers_data(self, xs, ys, u, v, **quiver_kw): """Compute the segments coordinates to plot quivers. Parameters ========== xs : np.ndarray A 2D numpy array representing the discretization in the x-coordinate ys : np.ndarray A 2D numpy array representing the discretization in the y-coordinate u : np.ndarray A 2D numpy array representing the x-component of the vector v : np.ndarray A 2D numpy array representing the x-component of the vector kwargs : dict, optional An optional Returns ======= data: dict A dictionary suitable to create a data source to be used with Bokeh's Segment. quiver_kw : dict A dictionary containing keywords to customize the appearance of Bokeh's Segment glyph """ np = import_module('numpy') scale = quiver_kw.pop("scale", 1.0) pivot = quiver_kw.pop("pivot", "mid") arrow_heads = quiver_kw.pop("arrow_heads", True) xs, ys, u, v = [t.flatten() for t in [xs, ys, u, v]] magnitude = np.sqrt(u ** 2 + v ** 2) rads = np.arctan2(v, u) lens = magnitude / max(magnitude) * scale # Compute segments and arrowheads # Compute offset depending on pivot option xoffsets = np.cos(rads) * lens / 2.0 yoffsets = np.sin(rads) * lens / 2.0 if pivot == "mid": nxoff, pxoff = xoffsets, xoffsets nyoff, pyoff = yoffsets, yoffsets elif pivot == "tip": nxoff, pxoff = 0, xoffsets * 2 nyoff, pyoff = 0, yoffsets * 2 elif pivot == "tail": nxoff, pxoff = xoffsets * 2, 0 nyoff, pyoff = yoffsets * 2, 0 else: raise ValueError( "`pivot` must be one of ['mid', 'tip', 'tail']") x0s, x1s = (xs + nxoff, xs - pxoff) y0s, y1s = (ys + nyoff, ys - pyoff) if arrow_heads: arrow_len = lens / 4.0 xa1s = x0s - np.cos(rads + np.pi / 4) * arrow_len ya1s = y0s - np.sin(rads + np.pi / 4) * arrow_len xa2s = x0s - np.cos(rads - np.pi / 4) * arrow_len ya2s = y0s - np.sin(rads - np.pi / 4) * arrow_len x0s = np.tile(x0s, 3) x1s = np.concatenate([x1s, xa1s, xa2s]) y0s = np.tile(y0s, 3) y1s = np.concatenate([y1s, ya1s, ya2s]) data = { "x0": x0s, "x1": x1s, "y0": y0s, "y1": y1s, } return data, quiver_kw
BB = BokehBackend