1 - Differences between 2D backends

In this tutorial we are going to compare the same plot produced with 3 different backends. In particular, we will focus on usability and interactivity.

First, let’s initialize the tutorial by running:

%matplotlib widget
from sympy import *
from spb import *
x = symbols("x")

In the above code cell we first imported every plot function from this plotting module. Remember: while some plot functions are identical to the ones from sympy.plotting, they are not compatible when using a different backend!

We also imported the following backends:











Only MatplotlibBackend, BokehBackend and PlotlyBackend support 2D plots. We will use their aliases in order to type less.

Now, let’s visualize a plot created with Matplotlib:

from sympy import *
from spb import *
p = plot(sin(x), cos(x), log(x), backend=MB)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


In the previous command we specified the optional keyword argument backend=. If not provided, the default backend will be used. Refer to Tutorial 3 to learn how to customize the module and set a different default backend.

We can see a RuntimeWarning in the output cell: it was generated by the evaluation algorithm while processing log(x), which is only defined for x > 0, whereas we asked the plot function to evaluate it over the interval -10 < x < 10.

Once we plot multiple expression simultaneously, the legend will automatically show up. We can disable it by setting legend=False.

Note that:

  • In order to interact with the plot we have to use the buttons on the toolbar.

  • If we move the cursor over the figure, we can see its coordinates. By moving it over a line we only get approximate coordinates.

With the previous command, we plotted 3 different expressions. Therefore, the plot object p contains 3 data series. We can easily access the data series by using the index notation: this is useful in order to extract numerical data as we will see in Tutorial 4.

>>> print(p)
Plot object containing:
[0]: cartesian line: sin(x) for x over (-10.0, 10.0)
[1]: cartesian line: cos(x) for x over (-10.0, 10.0)
[2]: cartesian line: log(x) for x over (-10.0, 10.0)
>>> print(p[0])
cartesian line: sin(x) for x over (-10.0, 10.0)

(Source code)

Let’s now do the same with Plotly:

from sympy import *
from spb import *
plot(sin(x), cos(x), log(x), backend=PB)

(Source code, png, html, pdf)

The top toolbar can be used to interact with the plot. However, there are more natural ways:

  • Click and drag to zoom into a rectangular selection.

  • Move the cursor in the middle of the horizontal axis, click and drag to pan horizontally.

  • Move the cursor in the middle of the vertical axis, click and drag to pan vertically.

  • Move the cursor near the ends of the horizontal/vertical axis: click and drag to resize.

  • Move the cursor over a line: a tooltip will show the coordinate of that point in the data series. Note that there is no interpolation between two consecutive points.

  • Click over a label in the legend to hide/show that data series.

Finally, let’s use Bokeh:

plot(sin(x), cos(x), log(x), backend=BB)

Here, we can:

  • Click and drag to pan the plot around. Once we are done panning, the plot automatically updates all the data series according to the new range. This is a wonderful feature of Bokeh, which allows us to type less and explore more. We can disable this behaviour by setting update_event=False in the function call.

  • Click and drag the axis to pan the plot only on one direction.

  • Click the legend entries to hide/show the data series.

  • Move the cursor over a line: a tooltip will show the coordinate of that point in the data series.

  • Use the toolbar to change the tool, for example we can select the Box Zoom to zoom into a rectangular region.