Source code for spb.plotgrid

from sympy.external import import_module
from spb.backends.base_backend import Plot
from spb.backends.matplotlib import MB
from spb.backends.plotly import PB
from sympy.utilities.exceptions import sympy_deprecation_warning

def _nrows_ncols(nr, nc, nplots):
    """Define the correct number of rows and/or columns based on the number
    of plots to be shown.
    np = import_module('numpy')

    if (nc <= 0) and (nr <= 0):
        nc = 1
        nr = nplots
    elif nr <= 0:
        nr = int(np.ceil(nplots / nc))
    elif nc <= 0:
        nc = int(np.ceil(nplots / nr))
    elif nr == 1:
        nc = nplots
    elif nr * nc < nplots:
        nr += 1
        return _nrows_ncols(nr, nc, nplots)
    return nr, nc

def _create_mpl_figure(mapping, imagegrid=False, size=None):
    matplotlib = import_module(
        import_kwargs={'fromlist': ['pyplot', 'gridspec']},
    mpl_toolkits = import_module(
        import_kwargs={'fromlist': ['axes_grid1']},
    plt = matplotlib.pyplot

    kw = {} if not size else {"figsize": size}
    fig = plt.figure(**kw)

    if imagegrid:
        gs =list(mapping.keys())[0].get_gridspec()
        grid = mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.ImageGrid(
            fig, 111,
            nrows_ncols=(gs.nrows, gs.ncols),
        for (_, p), ax in zip(mapping.items(), grid):
            # cpa: current plot attributes
            cpa = p._copy_kwargs()
            cpa["backend"] = MB
            cpa["fig"] = fig
            cpa["ax"] = ax
            cpa["imagegrid"] = True
            p = Plot(*p.series, **cpa)
        return fig

    for spec, p in mapping.items():
        kw = {"projection": "3d"} if (len(p.series) > 0 and
            p.series[0].is_3D) else ({"projection": "polar"} if p.polar_axis
            else {})
        cur_ax = fig.add_subplot(spec, **kw)
        # cpa: current plot attributes
        cpa = p._copy_kwargs()
        cpa["backend"] = MB
        cpa["fig"] = fig
        cpa["ax"] = cur_ax
        p = Plot(*p.series, **cpa)
    return fig

def _create_panel_figure(mapping, panel_kw):
    pn = import_module(


    fig = pn.GridSpec(**panel_kw)
    for spec, p in mapping.items():
        rs = spec.rowspan
        cs = spec.colspan
        if isinstance(p, PB):
            d = {"data": list(, "layout": p.fig.layout}
            fig[slice(rs.start, rs.stop), slice(cs.start, cs.stop)] = pn.pane.Plotly(d)
            fig[slice(rs.start, rs.stop), slice(cs.start, cs.stop)] = pn.pane.panel(p.fig)
    return fig

[docs]def plotgrid(*args, **kwargs): """Combine multiple plots into a grid-like layout. This function has two modes of operation, depending on the input arguments. Make sure to read the examples to fully understand them. Parameters ========== args : sequence A sequence of aldready created plots. This, in combination with ``nr`` and ``nc`` represents the first mode of operation, where a basic grid with (nc * nr) subplots will be created. nr, nc : int, optional Number of rows and columns. By default, ``nc = 1`` and ``nr = -1``: this will create as many rows as necessary, and a single column. By setting ``nr = 1`` a grid with a single row and as many columns as necessary will be created. gs : dict, optional A dictionary mapping Matplotlib's ``GridSpec`` objects to the plots. The keys represent the cells of the layout. Each cell will host the associated plot. This represents the second mode of operation, as it allows to create more complicated layouts. imagegrid : boolean, optional Requests Matplotlib's ``ImageGrid`` axes [#fn2]_ to be used. This is best suited for plots with equal aspect ratio sharing a common colorbar. Default to False. panel_kw : dict, optional A dictionary of keyword arguments to be passed to panel's ``GridSpec`` for further customization. Default to ``dict(sizing_mode="stretch_width")``. Refer to [#fn1]_ for more information. show : boolean, optional It applies only to Matplotlib figures. Default to True. Returns ======= fig : ``plt.Figure`` or ``pn.GridSpec`` If all input plots are instances of ``MatplotlibBackend``, than a Matplotlib ``Figure`` will be returned. Otherwise an instance of Holoviz Panel's ``GridSpec`` will be returned. Examples ======== First mode of operation with instances of ``MatplotlibBackend``: .. plot:: :include-source: True :context: reset from sympy import symbols, sin, cos, tan, exp, sqrt, Matrix, gamma, I from spb import * x, y, z = symbols("x, y, z") p1 = plot(sin(x), backend=MB, title="sin(x)", show=False) p2 = plot(tan(x), backend=MB, adaptive=False, detect_poles=True, title="tan(x)", show=False) p3 = plot(exp(-x), backend=MB, title="exp(-x)", show=False) plotgrid(p1, p2, p3) When plots represents images with equal aspect ratio and common colorbar, set ``imagegrid=True``: .. plot:: :include-source: True :context: reset from sympy import symbols, sin, cos, pi, I from spb import * z = symbols("z") options = dict(coloring="b", show=False, grid=False) p1 = plot_complex(sin(z), (z, -pi-pi*I, pi+pi*I), **options) p2 = plot_complex(cos(z), (z, -pi-pi*I, pi+pi*I), **options) plotgrid(p1, p2, nr=1, imagegrid=True) Second mode of operation, using Matplotlib ``GridSpec``: .. plot:: :include-source: True :context: reset from sympy import * from spb import * from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec x, y, z = symbols("x, y, z") p1 = plot(sin(x), cos(x), adaptive=False, show=False) expr = Tuple(1, sin(x**2 + y**2)) p2 = plot_vector(expr, (x, -2, 2), (y, -2, 2), streamlines=True, scalar=False, use_cm=False, title=r"$\\vec{F}(x, y) = %s$" % latex(expr), xlabel="x", ylabel="y", show=False) p3 = plot_complex(gamma(z), (z, -3-3*I, 3+3*I), title=r"$\gamma(z)$", grid=False, show=False) gs = GridSpec(3, 4) mapping = { gs[2, :]: p1, gs[0:2, 0:2]: p2, gs[0:2, 2:]: p3, } plotgrid(gs=mapping) References ========== .. [#fn1] .. [#fn2] """ nr = kwargs.get("nr", -1) nc = kwargs.get("nc", 1) nr, nc = _nrows_ncols(nr, nc, len(args)) show = kwargs.pop("show", True) p = PlotGrid(nr, nc, *args, show=False, **kwargs) if not show: return p if p.is_matplotlib_fig: return p return
class PlotGrid: """Implement the logic to create a grid of plots. Refer to ``plotgrid`` about examples. """ _panel_row_height = 350 def __init__(self, nrows, ncols, *args, **kwargs): self.matplotlib = import_module( 'matplotlib', import_kwargs={'fromlist': ['pyplot', 'gridspec']}, min_module_version='1.1.0', catch=(RuntimeError,)) self.plt = self.matplotlib.pyplot self.nrows = nrows self.ncolumns = ncols self.args = args self.size = kwargs.get("size", None) # requests Matplotlib's ImageGrid axis to be used self.imagegrid = kwargs.get("imagegrid", False) self._fig = None self.is_matplotlib_fig = all(isinstance(t, MB) for t in args) # validate GridSpec, if provided = kwargs.get("gs", None) if if not isinstance(, dict): raise TypeError("`gs` must be a dictionary.") SubplotSpec = self.matplotlib.gridspec.SubplotSpec if not isinstance(list([0], SubplotSpec): raise ValueError( "Keys of `gs` must be of elements of type " "matplotlib.gridspec.SubplotSpec. Use " "matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec to create them.") self.panel_kw = kwargs.get("panel_kw", dict()) if kwargs.get("show", True): @property def backend(self): # TODO: follow sympy doc procedure to create this deprecation sympy_deprecation_warning( f"`backend` is deprecated. Use `fig` instead.", deprecated_since_version="1.12", active_deprecations_target='---') @property def _series(self): # TODO: follow sympy doc procedure to create this deprecation sympy_deprecation_warning( f"`_series` is deprecated.", deprecated_since_version="1.12", active_deprecations_target='---') def close(self): """Close the current plot, if it is a Matplotlib figure.""" self.plt.close(self.fig) @property def fig(self): if self._fig is None: self._create_figure() return self._fig def save(self, path, **kwargs): """Save the current plot at the specified location. Refer to: * [#fn10]_ to visualize all the available keyword arguments when saving a Matplotlib figure. * [#fn11]_ to visualize all the available keyword arguments when saving a Holoviz's Panel object. References ========== .. [#fn10] .. [#fn11] """ if self.is_matplotlib_fig: self.fig.savefig(path, **kwargs) else:, **kwargs) def _create_figure(self, **kwargs): GridSpec = self.matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec gs = if (gs is None) and (len(self.args) == 0): self._fig = self.plt.figure() elif (gs is None): ### First mode of operation nr, nc = self.nrows, self.ncolumns gs = GridSpec(nr, nc) mapping = {} c = 0 for i in range(nr): for j in range(nc): if c < len(self.args): mapping[gs[i, j]] = self.args[c] c += 1 if all(isinstance(a, MB) for a in self.args): self._fig = _create_mpl_figure( mapping, self.imagegrid, self.size) else: size = self.size self.panel_kw.setdefault("width", 800 if not size else size[0]) self.panel_kw.setdefault("height", nr * self._panel_row_height if not size else size[1]) self._fig = _create_panel_figure(mapping, self.panel_kw) else: ### Second mode of operation if all(isinstance(a, MB) for a in gs.values()): self._fig = _create_mpl_figure( gs, self.imagegrid, self.size) else: self._fig = _create_panel_figure(gs, self.panel_kw) def show(self, **kwargs): """Display the current plot. Parameters ========== **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to be passed to if a Matplotlib figure is created. """ if (self._fig is None) or self.is_matplotlib_fig: self._create_figure() if self.is_matplotlib_fig: if not self.imagegrid: self._fig.tight_layout()**kwargs) else: # holoviz's panel object must be shown on an interactive cell return self.fig