Source code for spb.utils

from spb.defaults import cfg
from sympy import Tuple, sympify, Expr, Dummy, S, sin, cos, Symbol, Indexed
from sympy.physics.mechanics import Vector as MechVector
from sympy.vector import Vector, BaseScalar
from sympy.core.relational import Relational
from sympy.logic.boolalg import BooleanFunction
from sympy.external import import_module
import warnings

def _create_ranges(exprs, ranges, npar, label="", params=None):
    """This function does two things:
    1. Check if the number of free symbols is in agreement with the type of
       plot chosen. For example, plot() requires 1 free symbol;
       plot3d() requires 2 free symbols.
    2. Sometime users create plots without providing ranges for the variables.
       Here we create the necessary ranges.


    exprs : iterable
        The expressions from which to extract the free symbols

    ranges : iterable
        The limiting ranges provided by the user

    npar : int
        The number of free symbols required by the plot functions.
        For example,
        npar=1 for plot, npar=2 for plot3d, ...

    params : dict
        A dictionary mapping symbols to parameters for iplot.


    get_default_range = lambda symbol: Tuple(
        symbol, cfg["plot_range"]["min"], cfg["plot_range"]["max"])

    free_symbols = _get_free_symbols(exprs)
    if params is not None:
        free_symbols = free_symbols.difference(params.keys())

    if len(free_symbols) > npar:
        raise ValueError(
            "Too many free symbols.\n"
            + "Expected {} free symbols.\n".format(npar)
            + "Received {}: {}".format(len(free_symbols), free_symbols)

    if len(ranges) > npar:
        raise ValueError(
            "Too many ranges. Received %s, expected %s" % (len(ranges), npar))

    # free symbols in the ranges provided by the user
    rfs = set().union([r[0] for r in ranges])
    if len(rfs) != len(ranges):
        raise ValueError("Multiple ranges with the same symbol")

    if len(ranges) < npar:
        symbols = free_symbols.difference(rfs)
        if symbols != set():
            # add a range for each missing free symbols
            for s in symbols:
        # if there is still room, fill them with dummys
        for i in range(npar - len(ranges)):

    if len(free_symbols) == npar:
        # there could be times when this condition is not met, for example
        # plotting the function f(x, y) = x (which is a plane); in this case,
        # free_symbols = {x} whereas rfs = {x, y} (or x and Dummy)
        rfs = set().union([r[0] for r in ranges])
        if len(free_symbols.difference(rfs)) > 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "Incompatible free symbols of the expressions with "
                "the ranges.\n"
                + "Free symbols in the expressions: {}\n".format(free_symbols)
                + "Free symbols in the ranges: {}".format(rfs)
    return ranges

def _get_free_symbols(exprs):
    """Returns the free symbols of a symbolic expression. If the expression
    contains indexed objects, assume that these objects are the symbols to
    be plotted.
    # TODO: this function gets called 3 times to generate a single plot.
    # See if its possible to remove one functions call inside
    if not isinstance(exprs, (list, tuple, set)):
        exprs = [exprs]
    if all(callable(e) for e in exprs):
        return set()
    free_indexed = set().union(*[e.atoms(Indexed) for e in exprs])
    if len(free_indexed) > 0:
        return set().union(*[e.atoms(Indexed) for e in exprs])
    return set().union(*[e.free_symbols for e in exprs])

def _check_arguments(args, nexpr, npar, **kwargs):
    """Checks the arguments and converts into tuples of the
    form (exprs, ranges, name_expr).


        The arguments provided to the plot functions

        The number of sub-expression forming an expression to be plotted.
        For example:
        nexpr=1 for plot.
        nexpr=2 for plot_parametric: a curve is represented by a tuple of two
        nexpr=1 for plot3d.
        nexpr=3 for plot3d_parametric_line: a curve is represented by a tuple
            of three elements.

        The number of free symbols required by the plot functions. For example,
        npar=1 for plot, npar=2 for plot3d, ...


    .. plot::
       :context: reset
       :format: doctest
       :include-source: True

       >>> from sympy import cos, sin, symbols
       >>> from sympy.plotting.plot import _check_arguments
       >>> x = symbols('x')
       >>> _check_arguments([cos(x), sin(x)], 2, 1)
           [(cos(x), sin(x), (x, -10, 10), '(cos(x), sin(x))')]

       >>> _check_arguments([x, x**2], 1, 1)
           [(x, (x, -10, 10), 'x'), (x**2, (x, -10, 10), 'x**2')]
    if not args:
        return []
    output = []
    params = kwargs.get("params", None)

    if all([isinstance(a, (Expr, Relational, BooleanFunction)) for a in args[:nexpr]]):
        # In this case, with a single plot command, we are plotting either:
        #   1. one expression
        #   2. multiple expressions over the same range

        exprs, ranges, label, rendering_kw = _unpack_args(*args)
        free_symbols = set().union(*[e.free_symbols for e in exprs])
        ranges = _create_ranges(exprs, ranges, npar, label, params)

        if nexpr > 1:
            # in case of plot_parametric or plot3d_parametric_line, there will
            # be 2 or 3 expressions defining a curve. Group them together.
            if len(exprs) == nexpr:
                exprs = (tuple(exprs),)
        for expr in exprs:
            # need this if-else to deal with both plot/plot3d and
            # plot_parametric/plot3d_parametric_line
            is_expr = isinstance(expr, (Expr, Relational, BooleanFunction))
            e = (expr,) if is_expr else expr
            output.append((*e, *ranges, label, rendering_kw))

        # In this case, we are plotting multiple expressions, each one with its
        # range. Each "expression" to be plotted has the following form:
        # (expr, range, label) where label is optional

        _, ranges, labels, rendering_kw = _unpack_args(*args)
        labels = [labels] if labels else []

        # number of expressions
        n = (len(ranges) + len(labels) +
            (len(rendering_kw) if rendering_kw is not None else 0))
        new_args = args[:-n] if n > 0 else args

        # at this point, new_args might just be [expr]. But I need it to be
        # [[expr]] in order to be able to loop over
        # [expr, range [opt], label [opt]]
        if not isinstance(new_args[0], (list, tuple, Tuple)):
            new_args = [new_args]

        # Each arg has the form (expr1, expr2, ..., range1 [optional], ...,
        #   label [optional], rendering_kw [optional])
        for arg in new_args:
            # look for "local" range and label. If there is not, use "global".
            l = [a for a in arg if isinstance(a, str)]
            if not l:
                l = labels
            r = [a for a in arg if _is_range(a)]
            if not r:
                r = ranges.copy()
            rend_kw = [a for a in arg if isinstance(a, dict)]
            rend_kw = rendering_kw if len(rend_kw) == 0 else rend_kw[0]

            # NOTE: arg = arg[:nexpr] may raise an exception if lambda
            # functions are used. Execute the following instead:
            arg = [arg[i] for i in range(nexpr)]
            free_symbols = set()
            if all(not callable(a) for a in arg):
                free_symbols = free_symbols.union(*[a.free_symbols for a in arg])
            if len(r) != npar:
                r = _create_ranges(arg, r, npar, "", params)

            label = None if not l else l[0]
            output.append((*arg, *r, label, rend_kw))
    return output

def _plot_sympify(args):
    """By allowing the users to set custom labels to the expressions being
    plotted, a critical issue is raised: whenever a special character like $,
    {, }, ... is used in the label (type string), sympify will raise an error.
    This function recursively loop over the arguments passed to the plot
    functions: the sympify function will be applied to all arguments except
    those of type string.
    if isinstance(args, Expr):
        return args

    args = list(args)
    for i, a in enumerate(args):
        if isinstance(a, (list, tuple)):
            args[i] = Tuple(*_plot_sympify(a), sympify=False)
        elif not (isinstance(a, (str, dict, MechVector)) or callable(a)):
            args[i] = sympify(a)
    return args

def _is_range(r):
    """A range is defined as (symbol, start, end). start and end should
    be numbers.
    if isinstance(r, prange):
        return True
    return (
        isinstance(r, Tuple)
        and (len(r) == 3)
        and (not isinstance(r.args[1], str)) and r.args[1].is_number
        and (not isinstance(r.args[2], str)) and r.args[2].is_number

[docs]class prange(Tuple): """Represents a plot range, an entity describing what interval a particular variable is allowed to vary. It is a 3-elements tuple: (symbol, minimum, maximum). Notes ===== Why does the plotting module needs this class instead of providing a plotting range with ordinary tuple/list? After all, ordinary plots works just fine. If a plotting range is provided with a 3-elements tuple/list, the internal algorithm looks at the tuple and tries to determine what it is. If minimum and maximum are numeric values, than it is a plotting range. Hovewer, there are some plotting functions in which the expression consists of 3-elements tuple/list. The plotting module is also interactive, meaning that minimum and maximum can also be expressions containing parameters. In these cases, the plotting range is indistinguishable from a 3-elements tuple describing an expression. This class is meant to solve that ambiguity: it only represents a plotting range. Examples ======== Let x be a symbol and u, v, t be parameters. An example plotting range is: .. doctest:: >>> from sympy import symbols >>> from spb import prange >>> x, u, v, t = symbols("x, u, v, t") >>> prange(x, u * v, v**2 + t) (x, u*v, t + v**2) """ def __new__(cls, *args): if len(args) != 3: raise ValueError( "`%s` requires 3 elements. Received " % cls.__name__ + "%s elements: %s" % (len(args), args)) if not isinstance(args[0], (str, Symbol, BaseScalar)): raise TypeError("The first element of a plotting range must " "be a symbol. Received: %s" % type(args[0])) args = [sympify(a) for a in args] if (args[0] in args[1].free_symbols) or (args[0] in args[2].free_symbols): raise ValueError( "Symbol `%s` representing the range can only " % args[0] + "be specified in the first element of %s" % cls.__name__) return Tuple.__new__(cls, *args, sympify=False)
def _unpack_args(*args): """Given a list/tuple of arguments previously processed by _plot_sympify() and/or _check_arguments(), separates and returns its components: expressions, ranges, label and rendering keywords. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import cos, sin, symbols >>> x, y = symbols('x, y') >>> args = (sin(x), (x, -10, 10), "f1") >>> args = _plot_sympify(args) >>> _unpack_args(*args) ([sin(x)], [(x, -2, 2)], 'f1') >>> args = (sin(x**2 + y**2), (x, -2, 2), (y, -3, 3), "f2") >>> args = _plot_sympify(args) >>> _unpack_args(*args) ([sin(x**2 + y**2)], [(x, -2, 2), (y, -3, 3)], 'f2') >>> args = (sin(x + y), cos(x - y), x + y, (x, -2, 2), (y, -3, 3), "f3") >>> args = _plot_sympify(args) >>> _unpack_args(*args) ([sin(x + y), cos(x - y), x + y], [(x, -2, 2), (y, -3, 3)], 'f3') """ ranges = [t for t in args if _is_range(t)] labels = [t for t in args if isinstance(t, str)] label = None if not labels else labels[0] rendering_kw = [t for t in args if isinstance(t, dict)] rendering_kw = None if not rendering_kw else rendering_kw[0] # NOTE: why None? because args might have been preprocessed by # _check_arguments, so None might represent the rendering_kw results = [not (_is_range(a) or isinstance(a, (str, dict)) or (a is None)) for a in args] exprs = [a for a, b in zip(args, results) if b] return exprs, ranges, label, rendering_kw def ij2k(cols, i, j): """Create the connectivity for the mesh. """ return cols * i + j def get_vertices_indices(x, y, z): """Compute the vertices matrix (Nx3) and the connectivity list for triangular faces. Parameters ========== x, y, z : np.array 2D arrays """ np = import_module('numpy') rows, cols = x.shape x = x.flatten() y = y.flatten() z = z.flatten() vertices = np.vstack([x, y, z]).T indices = [] for i in range(1, rows): for j in range(1, cols): indices.append( [ij2k(cols, i, j), ij2k(cols, i - 1, j), ij2k(cols, i, j - 1)] ) indices.append( [ij2k(cols, i - 1, j - 1), ij2k(cols, i, j - 1), ij2k(cols, i - 1, j)] ) return vertices, indices def _instantiate_backend(Backend, *series, **kwargs): p = Backend(*series, **kwargs) _validate_kwargs(p, **kwargs) if kwargs.get("show", True): return p def _validate_kwargs(backend_obj, **kwargs): """Find the user-provided keywords arguments that might contain spelling errors and informs the user of possible alternatives. Parameters ========== backend_obj : Plot An instance of the Plot class Notes ===== To keep development "agile", I extensively used ``**kwargs`` everywhere. The problem is that there are "multiple levels" of keyword arguments: * some keyword arguments get intercepted at the plotting function level. Think for example to ``scalar`` in ``plot_vector``, or ``sum_bound`` in ``plot``. * some plotting function might insert useful keyword arguments, for example ``real``, ``imag``, etc., on complex-related functions. * many of the keyword arguments get passed down to the Series and to the Backend classes. There are many approaches to tackle keyword arguments validation: 1. Replace **kwargs everywhere with the actual expected keywords. This is very time consuming and hard to maintain as the module gets developed even further. Moreover, Python will raise an error everytime something get mispelled, which I think is annoying. 2. Perform "multiple levels" of keyword validation, at a plotting function level (on each function), at a series level and at a backend level. Again, time consuming. 3. The laziest and most simple approach I could think of: create the ``_allowed_keys`` attribute on Series and Backend classes. Implement this function to perform some validation. It is definitely not as good as the previous approaches, in particular: * the validation is actually done after the creation of Series and Backend. This is not a problem as the validation is only meant to show a warning message. * needs to be careful when modifying Series and Backend, as the ``_allowed_keys`` attribute must be update. * function-level keyword arguments must be listed inside this function. Again, not so great in terms of further development. But it's a quick approach and surely better than nothing. """ # find the user-provided keywords arguments that might contain # spelling errors and inform the user of possible alternatives. allowed_keys = set(backend_obj._allowed_keys) for s in backend_obj.series: allowed_keys = allowed_keys.union(s._allowed_keys) # some functions injects the following keyword arguments that will be # processed by other functions before instantion of Series and Backend. allowed_keys = allowed_keys.union([ "abs", "absarg", "arg", "real", "imag", "force_real_eval", "slice", "threed", "sum_bound", "n", "phaseres", "is_polar", "label", "wireframe", "wf_n1", "wf_n2", "wf_npoints", "wf_rendering_kw", "dots", "show_in_legend" ]) # params is a keyword argument that is also checked before instantion of # Series and Backend. allowed_keys = allowed_keys.union(["params", "layout", "ncols", "use_latex", "throttled", "servable", "custom_css", "pane_kw", "is_iplot", "series", "template"]) user_provided_keys = set(kwargs.keys()) unused_keys = user_provided_keys.difference(allowed_keys) if len(unused_keys) > 0: msg = "\nThe following keyword arguments are unused.\n" for k in unused_keys: possible_match = find_closest_string(k, allowed_keys) msg += "* '%s'" % k msg += ": did you mean '%s'?\n" % possible_match warnings.warn(msg) # this returns helps with tests return msg # taken from # def levenshtein(s1, s2): if len(s1) < len(s2): return levenshtein(s2, s1) # len(s1) >= len(s2) if len(s2) == 0: return len(s1) previous_row = range(len(s2) + 1) for i, c1 in enumerate(s1): current_row = [i + 1] for j, c2 in enumerate(s2): # j+1 instead of j since previous_row and current_row are one character longer # than s2 insertions = previous_row[j + 1] + 1 deletions = current_row[j] + 1 substitutions = previous_row[j] + (c1 != c2) current_row.append(min(insertions, deletions, substitutions)) previous_row = current_row return previous_row[-1] # taken from def find_closest_string(string, strings): def _key(s): # sort by levenshtein distance and lexographically to maintain a stable # sort for different keys with the same levenshtein distance return (levenshtein(s, string), s) return sorted(strings, key=_key)[0] def spherical_to_cartesian(r, theta, phi): """Convert spherical coordinates to cartesian coordinates. Parameters ========== r : Radius. theta : Polar angle. Must be in [0, pi]. 0 is the north pole, pi/2 is the equator, pi is the south pole. phi : Azimuthal angle. Must be in [0, 2*pi]. Returns ======= x, y, z """ if callable(r): np = import_module('numpy') x = lambda t, p: r(t, p) * np.sin(t) * np.cos(p) y = lambda t, p: r(t, p) * np.sin(t) * np.sin(p) z = lambda t, p: r (t, p)* np.cos(t) else: x = r * sin(theta) * cos(phi) y = r * sin(theta) * sin(phi) z = r * cos(theta) return x, y, z