Source code for spb.backends.plotly.plotly

import itertools
import os
from spb.defaults import cfg
from spb.backends.base_backend import Plot
from spb.backends.plotly.renderers import (
    Line2DRenderer, Line3DRenderer, Vector2DRenderer, Vector3DRenderer,
    ComplexRenderer, ContourRenderer, SurfaceRenderer, Implicit3DRenderer,
    GeometryRenderer, GenericRenderer, HVLineRenderer, Arrow2DRenderer
from spb.series import (
    LineOver1DRangeSeries, List2DSeries, Parametric2DLineSeries,
    ColoredLineOver1DRangeSeries, AbsArgLineSeries, ComplexPointSeries,
    Parametric3DLineSeries, ComplexParametric3DLineSeries,
    List3DSeries, Vector2DSeries, Vector3DSeries, SliceVector3DSeries,
    RiemannSphereSeries, Implicit3DSeries,
    ComplexDomainColoringSeries, ComplexSurfaceSeries,
    ContourSeries, SurfaceOver2DRangeSeries, ParametricSurfaceSeries,
    PlaneSeries, GeometrySeries, GenericDataSeries,
    HVLineSeries, Arrow2DSeries
from sympy.external import import_module
import warnings

[docs] class PlotlyBackend(Plot): """ A backend for plotting SymPy's symbolic expressions using Plotly. Parameters ========== aspect : str, optional Set the aspect ratio of the plot. Default to ``"auto"``. Possible values: - ``"equal"``: sets equal spacing on the axis of a 2D plot. - For 3D plots: * ``"cube"``: fix the ratio to be a cube * ``"data"``: draw axes in proportion to the proportion of their ranges * ``"auto"``: automatically produce something that is well proportioned using 'data' as the default. * manually set the aspect ratio by providing a dictionary. For example: ``dict(x=1, y=1, z=2)`` forces the z-axis to appear twice as big as the other two. camera : dict, optional A dictionary of keyword arguments that will be passed to the layout's ``scene_camera`` in order to set the 3D camera orientation. Refer to [#fn18]_ for more information. rendering_kw : dict, optional A dictionary of keywords/values which is passed to Matplotlib's plot functions to customize the appearance of lines, surfaces, images, contours, quivers, streamlines... To learn more about customization: * Refer to [#fn1]_ and [#fn2]_ to customize contour plots. * Refer to [#fn3]_ and [#fn4]_ to customize line plots. * Refer to [#fn7]_ to customize surface plots. * Refer to [#fn14]_ to customize implicit surface plots. * Refer to [#fn5]_ to customize 2D quiver plots. Default to: ``dict( scale = 0.075 )``. * Refer to [#fn6]_ to customize 3D cone plots. Default to: ``dict( sizemode = "absolute", sizeref = 40 )``. * Refer to [#fn8]_ to customize 2D streamlines plots. Defaul to: ``dict( arrow_scale = 0.15 )``. * Refer to [#fn9]_ to customize 3D streamlines plots. Defaul to: ``dict( sizeref = 0.3 )``. * Refere to to [#fn19]_ to customize 2D arrow plots. axis : boolean, optional Turns on/off the axis visibility (and associated tick labels). Default to True (axis are visible). theme : str, optional Set the theme. Default to ``"plotly_dark"``. Find more Plotly themes at [#fn10]_ . update_event : bool, optional If True, it binds pan/zoom events in order to automatically compute new data as the user interact with the plot. Default to False. annotations : list, optional A list of dictionaries specifying the type the markers required. The keys in the dictionary should be equivalent to the arguments of the Plotly's `graph_objects.Scatter` class. Refer to [#fn15]_ for more information. This feature is experimental. It might get removed in the future. markers : list, optional A list of dictionaries specifying the type the markers required. The keys in the dictionary should be equivalent to the arguments of the Plotly's `graph_objects.Scatter` class. Refer to [#fn3]_ for more information. This feature is experimental. It might get removed in the future. rectangles : list, optional A list of dictionaries specifying the dimensions of the rectangles to be plotted. The keys in the dictionary should be equivalent to the arguments of the Plotly's `graph_objects.Figure.add_shape` function. Refer to [#fn16]_ for more information. This feature is experimental. It might get removed in the future. fill : dict, optional A list of dictionaries specifying the type the markers required. The keys in the dictionary should be equivalent to the arguments of the Plotly's `graph_objects.Scatter` class. Refer to [#fn17]_ for more information. This feature is experimental. It might get removed in the future. References ========== .. [#fn1] .. [#fn2] .. [#fn3] .. [#fn4] .. [#fn5] .. [#fn6] .. [#fn7] .. [#fn8] .. [#fn9] .. [#fn10] .. [#fn13] .. [#fn14] .. [#fn15] .. [#fn16] .. [#fn17] .. [#fn18] .. [#fn19] Notes ===== A few bugs related to Plotly might prevent the correct visualization: * with 2D domain coloring, the vertical axis is reversed, with negative values on the top and positive values on the bottom. * with 3D complex plots: when hovering a point, the tooltip will display wrong information for the argument and the phase. Hopefully, this bug [#fn13]_ will be fixed upstream. See also ======== Plot, MatplotlibBackend, BokehBackend, K3DBackend """ _library = "plotly" _allowed_keys = Plot._allowed_keys + [ "markers", "annotations", "fill", "rectangles", "camera"] colorloop = [] colormaps = [] cyclic_colormaps = [] quivers_colors = [] wireframe_color = "#000000" scattergl_threshold = 2000 # color bar spacing _cbs = 0.15 # color bar scale down factor _cbsdf = 0.75 renderers_map = { LineOver1DRangeSeries: Line2DRenderer, List2DSeries: Line2DRenderer, Parametric2DLineSeries: Line2DRenderer, ColoredLineOver1DRangeSeries: Line2DRenderer, AbsArgLineSeries: Line2DRenderer, ComplexPointSeries: Line2DRenderer, Parametric3DLineSeries: Line3DRenderer, ComplexParametric3DLineSeries: Line3DRenderer, List3DSeries: Line3DRenderer, Vector2DSeries: Vector2DRenderer, Vector3DSeries: Vector3DRenderer, SliceVector3DSeries: Vector3DRenderer, Implicit3DSeries: Implicit3DRenderer, ComplexDomainColoringSeries: ComplexRenderer, ComplexSurfaceSeries: ComplexRenderer, RiemannSphereSeries: ComplexRenderer, ContourSeries: ContourRenderer, SurfaceOver2DRangeSeries: SurfaceRenderer, ParametricSurfaceSeries: SurfaceRenderer, PlaneSeries: SurfaceRenderer, GeometrySeries: GeometryRenderer, GenericDataSeries: GenericRenderer, HVLineSeries: HVLineRenderer, Arrow2DSeries: Arrow2DRenderer } pole_line_kw = {"line": dict(color='black', dash='dot', width=1)} def __init__(self, *series, **kwargs): = import_module('numpy') self.plotly = import_module( 'plotly', import_kwargs={'fromlist': ['graph_objects', 'figure_factory']}, warn_not_installed=True, min_module_version='5.0.0') self.go = self.plotly.graph_objects self.create_quiver = self.plotly.figure_factory.create_quiver self.create_streamline = self.plotly.figure_factory.create_streamline # The following colors corresponds to the discret color map # px.colors.qualitative.Plotly. self.colorloop = [ "#636EFA", "#EF553B", "#00CC96", "#AB63FA", "#FFA15A", "#19D3F3", "#FF6692", "#B6E880", "#FF97FF", "#FECB52"] self.colormaps = [ "aggrnyl", "plotly3", "reds_r", "ice", "inferno", "deep_r", "turbid_r", "gnbu_r", "geyser_r", "oranges_r"] self.cyclic_colormaps = ["phase", "twilight", "hsv", "icefire"] # TODO: here I selected black and white, but they are not visible # with dark or light theme respectively... Need a better selection # of colors. Although, they are placed in the middle of the loop, # so they are unlikely going to be used. self.quivers_colors = [ "magenta", "crimson", "darkorange", "dodgerblue", "wheat", "slategrey", "white", "black", "darkred", "indigo"] self._update_event = kwargs.get( "update_event", cfg["plotly"]["update_event"]) if (self._update_event and any(isinstance(s, Vector2DSeries) for s in series)): warnings.warn( "You are trying to use `update_event=True` with a 2D quiver " "plot. This is likely going to cause a render-loop. You might " "need to interrupt the kernel." ) # _init_cyclers needs to know if an existing figure was provided self._use_existing_figure = kwargs.get("fig", False) self._fig = None self._init_cyclers() super().__init__(*series, **kwargs) if self._use_existing_figure: self._fig = self._use_existing_figure self._use_existing_figure = True else: if ( (self.is_iplot and (self.imodule == "ipywidgets")) or self._update_event ): self._fig = self.go.FigureWidget() else: self._fig = self.go.Figure() # NOTE: Plotly 3D currently doesn't support latex labels # self._use_latex = kwargs.get("use_latex", cfg["plotly"]["use_latex"]) self._set_labels() self._set_title() if ( (len([s for s in self._series if s.is_2Dline]) > 10) and (not type(self).colorloop) and not ("process_piecewise" in kwargs.keys()) ): # add colors if needed # this corresponds to px.colors.qualitative.Light24 self.colorloop = [ "#FD3216", "#00FE35", "#6A76FC", "#FED4C4", "#FE00CE", "#0DF9FF", "#F6F926", "#FF9616", "#479B55", "#EEA6FB", "#DC587D", "#D626FF", "#6E899C", "#00B5F7", "#B68E00", "#C9FBE5", "#FF0092", "#22FFA7", "#E3EE9E", "#86CE00", "#BC7196", "#7E7DCD", "#FC6955", "#E48F72" ] self._theme = kwargs.get("theme", cfg["plotly"]["theme"]) self.grid = kwargs.get("grid", cfg["plotly"]["grid"]) self._colorbar_counter = 0 self._scale_down_colorbar = ( self.legend and any(s.use_cm for s in self.series) and any((not s.use_cm) for s in self.series) ) self._show_2D_vectors = any(s.is_2Dvector for s in self.series) self._create_renderers() self._n_annotations = 0 if self._update_event: self._fig.layout.on_change( lambda obj, xrange, yrange: self._update_axis_limits(xrange, yrange), ('xaxis', 'range'), ('yaxis', 'range')) def _update_axis_limits(self, *limits): """Update the ranges of data series in order to implement pan/zoom update events. Parameters ========== limits : iterable Tuples of (min, max) values. """ params = self._update_series_ranges(*limits) self.update_interactive(params) @property def fig(self): """Returns the figure.""" if len(self.renderers) > 0 and len(self.renderers[0].handles) == 0: # if the backend was created without showing it self.draw() return self._fig def draw(self): """ Loop over data renderers, generates numerical data and add it to the figure. Note that this method doesn't show the plot. """ self._process_renderers() self._update_layout() process_series = draw def _set_piecewise_color(self, s, color): """Set the color to the given series""" if "line_color" not in s.rendering_kw: # only set the color if the user didn't do that already s.rendering_kw["line_color"] = color if not s.is_filled: s.rendering_kw["marker"] = dict( color="#E5ECF6", line=dict(color=color)) @staticmethod def _do_sum_kwargs(p1, p2): kw = p1._copy_kwargs() kw["theme"] = p1._theme return kw def _init_cyclers(self): start_index_cl, start_index_cm = None, None if self._use_existing_figure: fig = self._use_existing_figure if self._fig is None else self._fig # attempt to determine how many lines or surfaces are plotted # on the user-provided figure # assume user plotted 3d surfaces using solid colors count_meshes = sum([ isinstance(c, self.go.Surface) for c in]) count_lines = sum([ isinstance(c, self.go.Scatter) for c in]) start_index_cl = count_lines + count_meshes super()._init_cyclers(start_index_cl, 0) tb = type(self) quivers_colors = ( self.quivers_colors if not tb.quivers_colors else tb.quivers_colors ) self._qc = itertools.cycle(quivers_colors) def _create_colorbar(self, label, sc=False): """This method reduces code repetition. Parameters ========== label : str Name to display besides the color bar sc : boolean Scale Down the color bar to make room for the legend. Default to False """ k = self._colorbar_counter self._colorbar_counter += 1 return dict( x=1 + self._cbs * k, title=label, titleside="right", # scale down the color bar to make room for legend len=( self._cbsdf if (sc and (self.legend or (self.legend is None))) else 1 ), yanchor="bottom", y=0, ) def _solid_colorscale(self, s): # create a solid color to be used when s.use_cm=False col = s.line_color if col is None: col = next(self._cl) return [[0, col], [1, col]] def _process_renderers(self): self._init_cyclers() if not self._use_existing_figure: # If this instance visualizes only symbolic expressions, # I want to clear axes so that each time `.show()` is called there # won't be repeated handles. # On the other hand, if the current axes is provided by the user, # we don't want to erase its content. = [] for r, s in zip(self.renderers, self.series): self._check_supported_series(r, s) r.draw() def update_interactive(self, params): """Implement the logic to update the data generated by interactive-widget plots. Parameters ========== params : dict Map parameter-symbols to numeric values. """ # Because InteractivePlot doesn't call the show method, the following # line of code will add the numerical data (if not already present). if len(self.renderers) > 0 and len(self.renderers[0].handles) == 0: self.draw() if self.imodule == "ipywidgets": with self._fig.batch_update(): self._update_interactive_helper(params) else: self._update_interactive_helper(params) self._set_axes_texts() def _update_interactive_helper(self, params): for r in self.renderers: if r.series.is_interactive: r.update(params) def _update_layout(self): title, xlabel, ylabel, zlabel = self._get_title_and_labels() self._fig.update_layout( template=self._theme, width=None if not self.size else self.size[0], height=None if not self.size else self.size[1], title=r"<b>%s</b>" % ("" if not title else title), title_x=0.5, xaxis=dict( title="" if not xlabel else xlabel, range=None if not self.xlim else self.xlim, type=self.xscale, showgrid=self.grid, # thin lines in the background zeroline=self.grid, # thick line at x=0 constrain="domain", visible=self.axis, autorange=None if not self._invert_x_axis else "reversed" ), yaxis=dict( title="" if not ylabel else ylabel, range=None if not self.ylim else self.ylim, type=self.yscale, showgrid=self.grid, # thin lines in the background zeroline=self.grid, # thick line at x=0 scaleanchor="x" if self.aspect == "equal" else None, visible=self.axis ), polar=dict( angularaxis={'direction': 'counterclockwise', 'rotation': 0}, radialaxis={'range': None if not self.ylim else self.ylim}, sector=None if not self.xlim else self.xlim ), margin=dict( t=50, l=0, b=0, r=40 ), showlegend=True if self.legend else False, scene=dict( xaxis=dict( title="" if not xlabel else xlabel, range=None if not self.xlim else self.xlim, type=self.xscale, showgrid=self.grid, # thin lines in the background zeroline=self.grid, # thick line at x=0 visible=self.grid, # numbers below ), yaxis=dict( title="" if not ylabel else ylabel, range=None if not self.ylim else self.ylim, type=self.yscale, showgrid=self.grid, # thin lines in the background zeroline=self.grid, # thick line at x=0 visible=self.grid, # numbers below ), zaxis=dict( title="" if not zlabel else zlabel, range=None if not self.zlim else self.zlim, type=self.zscale, showgrid=self.grid, # thin lines in the background zeroline=self.grid, # thick line at x=0 visible=self.grid, # numbers below ), aspectmode=( "manual" if isinstance(self.aspect, dict) else (self.aspect if self.aspect != "equal" else "auto") ), aspectratio=( self.aspect if isinstance(self.aspect, dict) else None ), ), ) def _set_axes_texts(self): title, xlabel, ylabel, zlabel = self._get_title_and_labels() self._fig.update_layout( title=r"<b>%s</b>" % ("" if not title else title), xaxis=dict( title="" if not xlabel else xlabel, ), yaxis=dict( title="" if not ylabel else ylabel, ), scene=dict( xaxis=dict( title="" if not xlabel else xlabel, ), yaxis=dict( title="" if not ylabel else ylabel, ), zaxis=dict( title="" if not zlabel else zlabel, ), ), ) def show(self): """Visualize the plot on the screen.""" if len(self.renderers) > 0 and len(self.renderers[0].handles) == 0: self.draw() def save(self, path, **kwargs): """ Export the plot to a static picture or to an interactive html file. Refer to [#fn11]_ and [#fn12]_ to visualize all the available keyword arguments. Notes ===== In order to export static pictures, the user also need to install the packages listed in [#fn11]_. References ========== .. [#fn11] .. [#fn12] """ if len(self.renderers) > 0 and len(self.renderers[0].handles) == 0: self.draw() ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1] if ext.lower() in [".htm", ".html"]: self.fig.write_html(path, **kwargs) else: self._fig.write_image(path, **kwargs)
PB = PlotlyBackend