from sympy import latex, Symbol
from spb.defaults import TWO_D_B, THREE_D_B
from spb.interactive import create_interactive_plot
from spb.series import (
LineOver1DRangeSeries, Parametric3DLineSeries,
SurfaceOver2DRangeSeries, ContourSeries,
ImplicitSeries, Implicit3DSeries, BaseSeries
from spb.utils import _instantiate_backend
def graphics(
*args, aspect=None, axis_center=None, is_polar=None, legend=None,
show=True, size=None, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, zlabel=None,
xlim=None, ylim=None, zlim=None, fig=None, ax=None,
update_event=None, **kwargs
"""Plots a collection of data series.
*args :
Instances of ``BaseSeries`` or lists of instances of ``BaseSeries``.
ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes
An existing Matplotlib's Axes over which the symbolic expressions will
be plotted.
aspect : (float, float) or str, optional
Set the aspect ratio of the plot. The value depends on the backend
being used. Read that backend's documentation to find out the
possible values.
axis_center : (float, float), optional
Tuple of two floats denoting the coordinates of the center or
{'center', 'auto'}. Only available with ``MatplotlibBackend``.
backend : Plot, optional
A subclass of ``Plot``, which will perform the rendering.
Default to ``MatplotlibBackend``.
fig :
An existing figure. Be sure to also specify the proper ``backend=``.
is_polar : boolean, optional
Default to False. If True, requests the backend to use a 2D polar
chart, if implemented.
legend : bool, optional
Show/hide the legend. Default to None (the backend determines when
it is appropriate to show it).
show : bool, optional
The default value is set to ``True``. Set show to ``False`` and
the function will not display the plot. The returned instance of
the ``Plot`` class can then be used to save or display the plot
by calling the ``save()`` and ``show()`` methods respectively.
size : (float, float), optional
A tuple in the form (width, height) to specify the size of
the overall figure. The default value is set to ``None``, meaning
the size will be set by the backend.
title : str, optional
Title of the plot.
update_event : bool
If True, enable auto-update on panning. Default to False.
Some backend may not implement this feature.
use_latex : boolean, optional
Turn on/off the rendering of latex labels. If the backend doesn't
support latex, it will render the string representations instead.
xlabel, ylabel, zlabel : str, optional
Labels for the x-axis, y-axis or z-axis, respectively.
xscale, yscale, zscale : 'linear' or 'log', optional
Sets the scaling of the x-axis, y-axis, z-axis, respectively.
Default to ``'linear'``. Some backend might not implement this
xlim, ylim, zlim : (float, float), optional
Denotes the x-axis/y-axis/z-axis limits, respectively, ``(min, max)``.
**kwargs :
Refer to the documentation of a backend class in order to find
more available keyword arguments.
p : Plot or InteractivePlot
If any of the data series is interactive (``params`` has been set)
then an instance of ``InteractivePlot`` is returned, otherwise an
instance of the ``Plot`` class is returned.
Combining together multiple data series of the same type, enabling
auto-update on pan:
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
:format: doctest
:include-source: True
>>> from sympy import *
>>> from spb import *
>>> x = symbols("x")
>>> graphics(
... line(cos(x), label="a"),
... line(sin(x), (x, -pi, pi), label="b"),
... line(log(x), rendering_kw={"linestyle": "--"}),
... title="My title", ylabel="y", update_event=True
... )
Plot object containing:
[0]: cartesian line: cos(x) for x over (-10.0, 10.0)
[1]: cartesian line: sin(x) for x over (-3.141592653589793, 3.141592653589793)
[2]: cartesian line: log(x) for x over (-10.0, 10.0)
Combining together multiple data series of the different types:
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
:format: doctest
:include-source: True
>>> from sympy import *
>>> from spb import *
>>> x = symbols("x")
>>> graphics(
... line((cos(x)+1)/2, (x, -pi, pi), label="a"),
... line(-(cos(x)+1)/2, (x, -pi, pi), label="b"),
... line_parametric_2d(cos(x), sin(x), (x, 0, 2*pi), label="c", use_cm=False),
... title="My title", ylabel="y", aspect="equal"
... )
Plot object containing:
[0]: cartesian line: cos(x)/2 + 1/2 for x over (-3.141592653589793, 3.141592653589793)
[1]: cartesian line: -cos(x)/2 - 1/2 for x over (-3.141592653589793, 3.141592653589793)
[2]: parametric cartesian line: (cos(x), sin(x)) for x over (0.0, 6.283185307179586)
Plot over an existing figure. Note that:
* If an existing Matplotlib's figure is available, users can specify one
of the following keyword arguments:
* ``fig=`` to provide the existing figure. The module will then plot the
symbolic expressions over the first Matplotlib's axes.
* ``ax=`` to provide the Matplotlib's axes over which symbolic
expressions will be plotted. This is useful if users have a figure with
multiple subplots.
* If an existing Bokeh/Plotly/K3D's figure is available, user should
pass the following keyword arguments: ``fig=`` for the existing figure
and ``backend=`` to specify which backend should be used.
* This module will override axis labels, title, and grid.
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
:format: doctest
:include-source: True
>>> from sympy import symbols, cos, pi
>>> from spb import *
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> # plot some numerical data
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots()
>>> xx = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 20)
>>> yy = np.cos(xx)
>>> noise = (np.random.random_sample(len(xx)) - 0.5) / 5
>>> yy = yy * (1+noise)
>>> ax.scatter(xx, yy, marker="*", color="m") # doctest: +SKIP
>>> # plot a symbolic expression
>>> x = symbols("x")
>>> graphics(
... line(cos(x), (x, -pi, pi), rendering_kw={"ls": "--", "lw": 0.8}),
... ax=ax, update_event=True)
Plot object containing:
[0]: cartesian line: cos(x) for x over (-3.141592653589793, 3.141592653589793)
Interactive-widget plot combining together data series of different types:
.. panel-screenshot::
from sympy import *
from spb import *
import k3d
a, b, s, e, t = symbols("a, b, s, e, t")
c = 2 * sqrt(a * b)
r = a + b
params = {
a: (1.5, 0, 2),
b: (1, 0, 2),
s: (0, 0, 2),
e: (2, 0, 2)
(r * cos(t), r * sin(t)), (t, 0, pi),
params=params, n=50, parallel_axis="x", show_curve=False,
a * cos(t) + b * cos(3 * t),
a * sin(t) - b * sin(3 * t),
c * sin(2 * t), prange(t, s*pi, e*pi),
rendering_kw={"color_map": k3d.matplotlib_color_maps.Summer},
See Also
series = []
for a in args:
if (isinstance(a, (list, tuple)) and
all(isinstance(s, BaseSeries) for s in a)):
elif isinstance(a, BaseSeries):
raise TypeError(
"Only instances of ``BaseSeries`` or lists of "
"instances of ``BaseSeries`` are supported. Received: "
# set the appropriate transformation on 2D line series if polar axis
# are requested
if kwargs.get("polar_axis", False):
for s in series:
if s.is_2Dline:
s.is_polar = True
# set axis labels
if all(isinstance(s, LineOver1DRangeSeries) for s in series):
fs = set([s.ranges[0][0] for s in series])
if len(fs) == 1:
x = fs.pop()
fx = lambda use_latex: if not use_latex else latex(x)
wrap = lambda use_latex: "f(%s)" if not use_latex else r"f\left(%s\right)"
fy = lambda use_latex: wrap(use_latex) % fx(use_latex)
kwargs.setdefault("xlabel", fx)
kwargs.setdefault("ylabel", fy)
elif (
all(isinstance(s, (ContourSeries, SurfaceOver2DRangeSeries))
for s in series) or
(all(isinstance(s, (SurfaceOver2DRangeSeries, Parametric3DLineSeries))
for s in series) and all(s.label == "__k__" for s in series
if isinstance(s, Parametric3DLineSeries)))
free_x = set([
s.ranges[0][0] for s in series
if isinstance(s, (ContourSeries, SurfaceOver2DRangeSeries))])
free_y = set([
s.ranges[1][0] for s in series
if isinstance(s, (ContourSeries, SurfaceOver2DRangeSeries))])
if all(len(t) == 1 for t in [free_x, free_y]):
x = free_x.pop() if free_x else Symbol("x")
y = free_y.pop() if free_y else Symbol("y")
fx = lambda use_latex: if not use_latex else latex(x)
fy = lambda use_latex: if not use_latex else latex(y)
wrap = lambda use_latex: "f(%s, %s)" if not use_latex else r"f\left(%s, %s\right)"
fz = lambda use_latex: wrap(use_latex) % (fx(use_latex), fy(use_latex))
kwargs.setdefault("xlabel", fx)
kwargs.setdefault("ylabel", fy)
kwargs.setdefault("zlabel", fz)
elif all(isinstance(s, Implicit3DSeries) for s in series):
free_x = set([s.ranges[0][0] for s in series])
free_y = set([s.ranges[1][0] for s in series])
free_z = set([s.ranges[2][0] for s in series])
if all(len(t) == 1 for t in [free_x, free_y, free_z]):
fx = lambda use_latex: free_x.pop().name if not use_latex else latex(free_x.pop())
fy = lambda use_latex: free_y.pop().name if not use_latex else latex(free_y.pop())
fz = lambda use_latex: free_z.pop().name if not use_latex else latex(free_z.pop())
kwargs.setdefault("xlabel", fx)
kwargs.setdefault("ylabel", fy)
kwargs.setdefault("zlabel", fz)
elif all(isinstance(s, ImplicitSeries) for s in series):
free_x = set([s.ranges[0][0] for s in series])
free_y = set([s.ranges[1][0] for s in series])
if all(len(t) == 1 for t in [free_x, free_y]):
fx = lambda use_latex: free_x.pop().name if not use_latex else latex(free_x.pop())
fy = lambda use_latex: free_y.pop().name if not use_latex else latex(free_y.pop())
kwargs.setdefault("xlabel", fx)
kwargs.setdefault("ylabel", fy)
if xlabel:
kwargs["xlabel"] = xlabel
if ylabel:
kwargs["ylabel"] = ylabel
if zlabel:
kwargs["zlabel"] = zlabel
if any(s.is_interactive for s in series):
return create_interactive_plot(
aspect=aspect, axis_center=axis_center, is_polar=is_polar,
legend=legend, show=show, size=size, title=title,
xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, zlim=zlim, ax=ax, fig=fig,
update_event=update_event, **kwargs)
is_3D = any(s.is_3D for s in series)
Backend = kwargs.pop("backend", TWO_D_B if is_3D else THREE_D_B)
return _instantiate_backend(
Backend, *series,
aspect=aspect, axis_center=axis_center,
is_polar=is_polar, legend=legend, show=show, size=size,
title=title, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, zlim=zlim, ax=ax, fig=fig,
update_event=update_event, **kwargs)